Interactive Game Rotation Plots

Web app here!

Generate (and customize) a rotation plot for a game of choice in the 2023-24 season at!


I’ve been posting a plot like this after each Cavs game in the 2023-24 NBA season: Example rotation plotExample rotation plot of the Max Strus 59-foot buzzer beater game

These kinds of plots are also available on PopcornMachine.Net, and in the ‘Plus/Minus’ tab for individual games on Basketball Reference.

To make my own version, I used the excellent SportsDataverse Python package to pull play-by-play information from a game using an ESPN ID (the numeric code you see in an ESPN boxscore, i.e. the 401585460 in

From the play-by-play data, I parsed out substitution times for each player, and counted the game score at each substitution time to get +/-’s for each player shift. This worked pretty well, but I noted sometimes my +/- counts would occasionally be off by a point or two (I’m pretty sure I didn’t manage some edge cases correctly like when players get subbed onto the floor during another player’s free throws).

(I promise to release the sportsdataverse-based code to GitHub by the way, I need to reorganize some stuff!)

But also, a couple of weeks into the season, I learned about the nba_api package and was blown away by the volume of data I’ve always wanted access to. One of the endpoints that this API client lets you get from is called GameRotation, and, given an game ID (an one, different from ESPN), yields the following type of information an hour or two after the game is played:


Perfect – in/out times for each player stint, along with the point differential.

I was particularly inspired to try to make a web app after coming across this blog post by @SravanNBA (a great follow on Twitter!) – the post made it much more approachable to get started with Shiny Server, and I was excited that I could keep all my code in Python.

So, in all, I swapped out my manual parsing code with the data from the much more legit using nba_api, automated the accessing and storing of the relevant game data, then I took a few weeks to learn Shiny Server for Python and wrangle with a virtual machine on Oracle Cloud (I didn’t and haven’t yet had to pay a dime, and again a hat tip to Sravan for mentioning this as a computing resource on Twitter), and the result is the web app linked above.

I made a couple of stylistic changes to the plots compared to what I post on Twitter (now the away shift plot is on top of home, and I keep things in the AWAY @ HOME format as much as possible). You can choose from a couple different diverging color palettes and optionally put +/- differentials onto the shifts.

The code for the Shiny app is available on GitHub. I am happy to hear feedback or answer any questions or field suggestions! You can reach me on Twitter or via email.